Hand Simulator

Corona virus is still raging out there, and many people get sick every day. You will be playing as an emergency doctor who drives around the city and saves those who caught the infection. You’ll see the map with red dots blipping on it. Your task is to drive the emergency car to another designation as fast as possible avoiding getting stuck in traffic or, even worse, ending up in an accident. You need to arrive at the place soon enough to administer the necessary help. See if you can save all the patients waiting for you!

The essence of the game is to create a server, choose a mission, invite friends, or wait for random players and perform it with complex controls, cursing at them. But if you suddenly somehow win, then this is such a thrill! Just imagine – you almost load the machine gun and are ready to shoot, and then a hail of lead from your opponent flies at you, who still managed to charge the machine gun faster. It’s the moment when you’re ready to really kill that other person because you tried so hard for that damned gun to work. And you just leave the lobby swearing, but come back in a few hours to try once more. And when you finally succeed, it’s an incompatible feeling!

There are quite a few bugs in the game, but they have become some sort of an attraction because they are also hilarious. Due to bugs, in some moments you can have an object with which you manipulate stuck in textures, or fly into the sky at an unprecedented speed. Your virtual hand may get stuck as well, or simply get so tangled that you will not unravel it. In other words, it’s much more fun as the very concept may sound, and you’ll surely go on an emotional roller coaster with this game. Try Hand Simulator online right now and see if you can deal with the challenge of controlling the very thing we use every day without even thinking of it – your hands!

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